Friday 7 November 2008

ICT and my CTM in KS1 of SBT1 (and other acronyms)

Following the serial week in our first placement school I wanted to reflect on some of the experiences I've had with ICT.  

Some have been good (for example, the amount of free resources available on sites such as sparklebox), some bad (a musical programme where you clicked on horses to make them make sounds so you can layer a song), and some just plain ugly (a interactive DVD of a book reading programme, why can't we just read to our kids and interact with them?).

I was very glad that my class tutor is the ICT specialist for the school and therefore was using a lot of cutting edge stuff.  One such example, is, I think, skydrive where you can store up to 1GB of data and access it anywhere and also 2simple software, which has a lot of user-friendly material.  The school were using Promethean whiteboards which are different to the ones I have experienced before.  I was very impressed by how child-friendly they are and contain a huge wealth of resources and programmes that make ICT in the classroom simple, lively and jolly good fun!  

Whether, because of my CTM's role as ICT specialist or not, ICT was used abundantly during my week.  There are many elements I would like to include in my own teaching, such as using a picture of the day for the children to look at when they come in and using 2simple's software to help numeracy by getting the children to count farmyard animals.  I was pleased to see a lot of 'traditional' resources like making posters using archaic tools such as pens and crayons, and reading using actual books.  Overall, I was impressed by the balance and look forward to gaining more insight into the use of ICT in future placements.

1 comment:

The Python said...

Glad your CTM is the ICT coordintor and that you are in a class which uses ict well.